Fashion and Textile Children's Trust (FTCT) - Cost of Living directory

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Financial grants for children (aged 18 years and under) whose parent/carer works or has previously worked for a UK fashion or textile company - for at least one year within the last 9 years.

Grants support families when they are struggling financially and can't afford to buy essential items for their children. The Trust’s criteria covers workers from fashion and textile companies such as clothes shops, fashion or textile manufacturers, fashion distribution centres, laundries and supermarkets with clothing lines, e.g. ASDA, Tesco, Sainsbury’s, etc.

Grants are available for children’s essential items, including school uniforms, clothing & shoes, beds & bedding, or essential household furniture and appliances.

Turnaround time 2-4 weeks - Grant Amount £300-£500 - Does not provide emergency help - Response time 1-5 days - Cannot help people without bank accounts.