Short Term benefit Advance - Cost of Living directory


Most benefits can be paid early. This is known as a 'short term benefit advance'.  

You might be able to get your benefit paid early if:  

  • you’ve claimed a benefit and are waiting for the first payment
  • your benefit has been increased but you haven’t had the new amount yet
  • you’ve been told you won’t be paid on the usual date  

A small amount will be taken off future payments to pay it back - usually for 12 weeks.  

You can’t get a benefit paid early for:  

  • Housing Benefit
  • Attendance Allowance
  • Disability Living Allowance (DLA)
  • Personal Independence Payment (PIP)
  • Child Benefit
  • Guardian's Allowance
  • Tax credit  

To ask for an advance, contact the DWP office that's dealing with your benefit claim. You can find their contact details on any letter or email you’ve had from them.