Braintree District Council’s Witham Dog Day for Safer Streets programme is a success

Image of Copper the retired police dog.

Braintree District Council held a one-off ‘Dog Day’ on Guithavon Green in Witham on Saturday 15 April, as part of the Safer Streets programme in Witham.

Braintree District Council held a one-off ‘Dog Day’ on Guithavon Green in Witham on Saturday 15 April, as part of the Safer Streets programme in Witham.

Safer Streets is a Home Office supported project.  It provides targeted intervention in key areas in Witham and aims to improve people’s perception of safety. The programme has a primary focus of reducing Violence against Women and Girls (VAWG), neighbourhood crime and anti-social behaviour (ASB).

The Council, through the Safer Streets programme, will be launching a number of proposed activities that will be delivered over the next year. Partners include Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner’s Office for Essex, Essex Police, Witham Town Council, Neighbourhood Watch, Fusion Lifestyle, CARA (Centre for Action on Rape and Abuse), Eastlight Community Homes, Crimestoppers and Essex County Council.

The aim of the Dog Day event was to sign up local residents for Dog Watch, which is an Essex Police led scheme. Dog owners and walkers are usually familiar with the area in which they reside and could have the opportunity to spot anything out of place or suspicious whilst walking their dog, which they are encouraged to report if they are concerned. Those signed up also receive a weekly e-newsletter about local crimes involving dogs to be aware of. 

Over 50 people signed up to the Dog Watch scheme at the Dog Day, providing a growing network of dog walkers and owners to communicate with police and actively report concerns such as graffiti, drug dealing or suspicious activity, nuisance vehicles and speeding, antisocial behaviour, flytipping, dog fouling, hare coursing and more.

Over 200 people attended the event with their dogs of all shapes and sizes. In attendance were Essex Police, Guide Dogs, Essex Therapy Dogs, Essex Retired Police Dogs Fund, The Dogs Trust, RSPCA, Community360, Mignon House and PuppyLuv Dog Training.

As well as meeting other dogs and dog owners, visitors were able to go on guided walks around the River Walk with Essex Police and enter a mini dog show with categories such as Golden Oldie, Best Rescue, Waggiest Tail, Paw Shaker, Best Mover and Dog the Judge Would Most Like to Take Home.

Published: 18th April 2023