Hedingham School achieves Eco-school status

Well-deserved recognition reflects hard work and effort from student leader Issabelle

Not many 15-year-olds get involved in the finer details of a school’s contract with suppliers but that is exactly what Issi Kent-Jackson is doing to help ensure the school makes environmentally friendly choices.

The Year Ten student has been passionate about the environment from an early age. She started litter picking two years ago when she was fed up to see the mess created by those who drop litter.

The Hedingham School pupil is the school’s Eco-Council Chair. She said: “I wanted to lead from the front, we have fortnightly meetings, discussions with outside organisations and meetings with the Headteacher.”

Issi has been involved in making sure the school uses suppliers who are eco-friendly in terms of packaging and other green credentials. She has overseen the planting of 60 trees on the school grounds.

As well as identifying problems she also presents school staff with solutions. Recently she mapped out how many panels would fit on her school’s roof, and she would love to see solar panels installed at the school.

Issi’s biggest achievement to date has been her contribution to achieving Eco-schools status. The accreditation shows that the school is forward-thinking and promotes youth-led environmental education and action. It also acknowledges the hard work of Issi and her peers.

Looking to the future, Issi said: “We would love to improve our links with the community and get our name out there making our way one step at a time and eventually becoming a leading school for the environment in the Braintree district and in Essex.”

Looking to the future, Issi would love to study environmental law with a dream of working in Australia.

Headteacher Andrew Harvison said: “I am delighted that Hedingham School has achieved Eco-schools status.  This is well-deserved recognition and reflects all the hard work and effort by our student leader, Issabelle.  Working alongside Miss Davie, Geography teacher, she has led the school Eco-Council and inspired many other students in the process. She has been proactive in many areas, for example, obtaining trees from the Woodland Trust, as well as recycling bins, and providing a ‘litter picking’ activity for all form groups. 

We are currently working on securing solar panels for the school building. Issi represented the school in the Climate Change Conference in September last year and presented her Vision to local primary school Headteachers. There is also lots more in the pipeline! Well done to Issi and her team for continuing to drive Hedingham towards a more environmentally friendly school and, more importantly, raising the awareness for the whole school community.”

Councillor Peter Schwier, Deputy Cabinet Member with responsibility for Climate Change at Braintree District Council, said: “Issi is a credit to her school, it is heartening to see her vision for wanting to preserve our planet for future generations and she is already making a real difference to her school and the wider community. Huge congratulations to Hedingham School for achieving Eco-school’s status. As part of our Climate Change Strategy, we are asking all members of the community to play their part to protect the environment.”

Published: 19th June 2023