Ukraine Independence Day celebrated in the Braintree district

People standing holding sunflowers smiling in a room - Image

Braintree District Council joined people around the world to celebrate Ukraine Independence Day yesterday (Thursday 24 August).

To mark the occasion and to support the Braintree district’s Ukrainian community, Braintree District Council hosted an afternoon get together at Braintree Community Centre. Ukrainian guests and sponsors who have opened their homes up for Ukrainians were able to immerse themselves in an afternoon of Ukrainian culture, including music, dance, food and arts and crafts.

Braintree District Council’s Chairman Cllr Diana Garrod was also in attendance.

Councillor Mary Cunningham, Cabinet Member for Stronger Communities at Braintree District Council, said: “Ukraine Independence Day provided us with an opportunity to celebrate the rich and diverse Ukrainian community we have in our district and we are proud to stand with them and support them. Over the past two years, families across the district have welcomed Ukrainian refugees into their homes and residents have really demonstrated its continued unity with the community. There continues to be a need for more sponsors, so I’d encourage people to consider offering their homes to those still fleeing from Ukraine or who are unable to stay with their current sponsor.”

Councillor Diana Garrod, Chairman of Braintree District Council, said: “It was an absolute pleasure to attend the Ukraine Independence Day celebrations and meet the wonderful people who make up our Ukrainian community and the sponsors who have generously opened up their homes.”

The council continues to run monthly coffee mornings for sponsors and guests at the community centre, which are free to attend and no booking is required. Details of the dates and times can be found online at

Over 150 Ukrainian guests are now settled in the Braintree district with over 50 sponsor placements. Braintree District Council are encouraging people to become sponsors as part of the Homes for Ukraine scheme and offer a home to people fleeing Ukraine or for guests who cannot stay with their current host. People can register their interest via the GOV website:

Published: 25th August 2023