Over £200,000 funding agreed for new tennis court in Halstead

Castle hedingham tennis court - Image

Halstead will be receiving over £200,000 for a new tennis court and associated facilities thanks to developer funding secured by Braintree District Council.

The £210,216.46 funding was agreed at Braintree District Council’s Cabinet meeting yesterday (Monday, 27 November) for the construction at Courtauld Sports Ground in Halstead. The funding was secured by Braintree District Council through Section 106 developer contributions from a local housing development at land east of Sudbury Road in Halstead.

The new facilities, which will be delivered by Braintree District Council, will enhance the sporting offer already at the site including football, rugby, bowls and an outdoor gym.

The tennis courts will be constructed from porous tarmac, meaning they will be accessible to those in wheelchairs. The intention is for the courts to be floodlit, subject to planning permission, which would allow for them to be used for extended periods of time over the autumn and winter seasons.

Cllr Gabrielle Spray, Cabinet Member for Planning and Infrastructure at Braintree District Council, said: “It’s important that housing developers contribute towards the infrastructure required to meet growth of the district and the council is working hard to spend Section 106 funding secured to benefit our communities and bringing in more resource to help with the delivery of these projects. These new facilities will provide more inclusive sport for all ages and abilities and ensure more residents can enjoy being active in our district.”

A Halstead Town Council spokesperson, said: “Halstead Town Council and the Courtaulds Sports Ground Management Committee are delighted that the plans to establish tennis courts have at last come to fruition. The tennis courts are a very welcome addition to what is already on offer at Courtaulds – bowls, rugby, football and an outdoor gym – and will increase the attractiveness of the site for local residents. Halstead Town Council are grateful to Braintree District Council for their work in making this happen.”

Further consultation will take place with the town council on the detailed proposals when a contractor has been appointed.

The aim is to have the facilities open by summer 2024. Once complete, the tennis court and facilities will be handed from Braintree District Council over to Halstead Town Council who will be responsible for its ongoing maintenance.

Under Section 106 (S106) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, the council is able to secure financial contributions from developers in order to deliver mitigations to the impact of development in the area where development occurs.This is to support new or improved facilities including community facilities, open spaces, infrastructure, education and healthcare.

The Levelling Up and Regeneration Act 2023 announced by central government confirms the current Section 106 planning obligations are due to be replaced by a new infrastructure levy.

Published: 28th November 2023