Wethersfield Airfield Judicial Review permission hearing held at High Court

The review was on eight grounds, including proposed use and development

Braintree District Council's judicial review permission hearing against the use of Wethersfield airfield as an asylum centre is underway. 

Cllr Graham Butland, leader of Braintree District Council, said: “Yesterday and today (July 12 and 13) our Judicial Review permission hearing was heard at the High Court, which gave the council the opportunity to further challenge the Class Q point and the failures of the Home Office to take into account a range of issues as part of their decision to use the site for accommodation of up to 1,700 asylum seekers. This was also heard alongside the other judicial reviews from West Lindsey District Council for the RAF Scampton site and a resident from Wethersfield. 

“This challenge was on eight grounds, which includes a challenge to the Home Office proposed use and proposed development, and the need for planning permission to have been obtained and the Home Office failure to take a range of matters into account as part of their decision making process, including the conflict with the Local Plan, health care, traffic implications and wastewater. 

“Lady Justice Thornton has reserved judgement and indicated that she will deliver her decision tomorrow morning. 

“Again we are pleased to have had another opportunity to put our views and the views of our local community across to the High Court. 

“Meanwhile, this does not stop the Home Office from utilising the site to house asylum seekers and we are aware that an initial group of 46 was moved onto the site on Wednesday 12 July.  

“We are still very much of the opinion that Wethersfield Airfield is not a suitable site for these plans and we’ll continue to work closely with the Home Office and multi-agency partners to ensure there is minimal impact on all those involved residents that live nearby and local services.” 

Published: 13th July 2023