Braintree District Development Plan

Development plan updates

Local Plan Sub-Committee

Forthcoming scheduled Local Plan Sub-Committee dates:

Neighbourhood Plans

Braintree District’s Local Plan 2013-2033

The Local Plan 2033 is divided as Section 1 and Section 2. 

  • Section 1 was adopted in 2021
  • Section 2 was adopted in 2022 

Conservation Area Appraisals - recently reviewed

The Wethersfield Conservation Area Character Appraisal and Management Plan - Adopted 21st August 2023

The revised Braintree Town Centre Conservation Area - Adopted 3rd August 2023

The revised Bradford Street Conservation Area - Adopted 3rd August 2023

Section 69 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 places a duty on local planning authorities to review their conservation areas from ‘time to time’. The purpose of the Conservation Area Appraisal is to provide an analysis of the conservation area which will inform future development and design with regard to the sensitivities of the Historic Environment and its unique character.

The next conservation areas to be reviewed are anticipated to be Halstead and Silver End.

Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) Updated February 2021

The SCI explains how we will involve local people in planning - setting out who and how we will engage residents and stakeholders. This includes public consultation of the Local Plan, Neighbourhood Plan and Supplementary Planning Documents, making comments on planning applications and how we will assist Neighbourhood Planning areas or forums.

The current SCI was adopted in 2020. In February 2021 the Statement of Community Involvement was updated to reflect changes in Government regulations, including Covid.

Essex Coast Recreational Disturbance Avoidance & Mitigation Strategy (RAMS) SPD

The Essex Coastal Recreational disturbance Avoidance and Mitigation Strategy (RAMS) Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) was adopted by the Council on 1st September 2020.

It sets out the mitigation that is necessary to protect the wildlife of the Essex coast from the increased visitor pressure associated with new residential development, and how this mitigation will be funded. It is necessary to meet the Council’s responsibilities under the Habitats Regulations. The document was prepared in partnership with the Greater Essex Councils, under the guidance of Natural England. A public consultation was also undertaken which concluded on 21st February 2020.

The documents are available on our Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD)'s page

A tariff on new residential dwellings within the ‘Zone of Influence’ is now in operation, for further information please see our HRA pages.

Consultation Portal

All current and recent consultations

Updated June 2024

Planning Policy

Address: Causeway House
Bocking End

Telephone: 01376 552525