Annual Plan for 2024/25




To create a district of opportunity – a place where our communities can thrive, our people prosper and our environment is cherished for all to enjoy.

Priority 1

Ensure district growth is sustainable and accessible with strong connectivity and infrastructure.

Title Outcome End Date
Deliver physical improvements to Halstead and Witham Town Centres. Providing enhanced urban environments with diverse community appeal through improved signage, wayfinding, and street furniture. July 2024
Work with communities to implement Neighbourhood Plans in Steeple Bumpstead, Hatfield Peverel and Earls Colne. Enabling communities to play a role in shaping their areas.

Neighbourhood Plans used in the determination of planning applications.
March 2025
Revise the Local Plan in line with recent changes to the National Planning Policy Framework. To set a refreshed framework for sustainable development across the district until 2041. June 2025
Develop an affordable housing Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). Support planning policies by providing the context of when and how affordable housing can be delivered across the district. December 2024
Develop a design Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). Support planning policies by providing detailed guidence to ensure the future development of the district is of the highest design standards. June 2025


Priority 2

Attract and support business growth, providing high quality employment opportunities in high growth To create a district of opportunity – a place where our sectors and industries.

Title Outcome End Date
Develop the Councils inward investment activity in association with the North Essex Economic Board (NEEB). Attract new businesses and grow existing businesses.

Bring new and better jobs into the district.
March 2025
Create an additional meeting area and multimedia space at the Plaza Increased capacity at The Plaza to support businesses. September 2024
Provide planning permission for the remaining plots at Horizon 120 Land available for sale for potential development opportunities. October 2024
Confirm the viability of the Council delivering the enterprise site at Witham Decision reached regarding the Council delivering the project December 2024


Priority 3

Provide tailored business support and access to funding to help businesses thrive and innovate.

Title Outcome End Date
In association with the North Essex Economic Board, provide business support services focused on enhancing digital skills, financial management and business growth. Businesses are supported to grow and innovate. March 2025
Through the Shared Prosperity Fund, deliver a Green Business Expo. Showcasing green solutons to boost business growth and become carbon neutral.

Funding accessed to implement green initiatives.
June 2024
Through the Shared Prosperity Fund, deliver a Digital Business Expo. Showcasing digital solutions to boost business growth and improve efficiencies.

Funding accessed to implement digital initiatives.
October 2024


Priority 4

Develop skills that are attractive to employers and support residents to access opportunities to improve their economic wellbeing.

Title Outcome End Date
Through the Shared Prosperity Fund, deliver a green skills programme. Supporting people to gain qualifications and employment in green skills that are needed in new and existing sectors. March 2025
Organise and deliver a jobs fair in the district. People are connected to prospective employers to explore new career opportunities. October 2024

Download the Annual Plan for 2024/25