Annual Plan for 2024/25

Fit for the future

Fit for the future



  • Using the opportunities that new technology offers us to improve services, remove demand and reduce costs.
  • Working more closely with our partner organisations in Essex and beyond to share resources, assets and information to deliver better outcomes for our residents and businesses.
  • Becoming an organisation that can flex and be responsive to changes as the volatility in our world continues.
  • Finding new ways of delivering which allows us to meet the needs of our residents and businesses while continuing to be financially resilient as demand increases due to demographical and other changes.
  • Understanding and putting plans into place for the skills our workforce will need in the future.
  • Making sure that we continue to be an employer of choice, offering fulfilling and rewarding careers for our people.

Actions that will be undertaken in year:

  • Mobilisation of programme team and development of programme planning.
  • Development of stretching but achievable cashable savings to be added to the MTFS showing the flight path to financial resilience.
  • Agree approach and timetabling of reviews of current services and functions to optimise service delivery and use of resources.
  • Development of business cases for options for a shared back office with Colchester City Council and Epping Forest District Council.
  • Scope and agree parameters for Organisational Design workstream.
  • Evaluate the level of maturity and effectiveness of the Councils data management practices to identify areas for improvement and enhance our data-driven decisionmaking capabilities.
  • Carry out workforce planning to assess gaps and interventions required to ensure we have the right people, with the right skills, in the right places, at the right time to fulfil our strategic objectives.
  • Develop a comprehensive Asset Management Strategy that focuses on maximising the value of property and realising the highest return on investment.
  • Refresh Causeway House into a modern workspace that promotes agile and flexible working, enhances collaboration and creates opportunities for generating income.
  • Consider ongoing operational asset requirements and opportunities to share assets with partners to improve efficiencies, service delivery and service user experience.

Download the Annual Plan for 2024/25