Annual Plan for 2024/25




To create a district of opportunity – a place where our communities can thrive, our people prosper and our environment is cherished for all to enjoy.

Priority 1

Protect and enhance our built and natural environments across the district, providing good access to open spaces and increasing biodiversity.

Title Outcome End Date
Enhance the play areas at Meadowside in Braintree and Oxford Meadow in Sible Hedingham. Play areas fully refurbished incorporating inclusive play equipment that improves play value for individuals of all ages. March 2025
Develop a renewable energy Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). Detailed guidence on the range of renewable technologies accepted by the Council including how to calculate the renewable energy requirement for future developments. December 2024
Upgrade the skateparks at Spa Road in Witham and Weavers Park in Braintree. Skateparks fully refurbished providing a safe space for skateboarders and others to ride. October 2024
Revise the Councils Tree Strategy. Manage and maintain the Councils own tree stock.

Secure new landscaping through the planning process.
March 2025


Priority 2

Continue to deliver a cohesive and integrated response to climate change adaptation and mitigation.

Title Outcome End Date
Develop a local Air Quality Strategy. Compliance with the latest air quality standards and regulations. The strategy will contribute to a healthier and more sustainable environment. March 2025
Procure 14 Electric Light Commercial Vehicles (LCV’s). Decarbonisation of the Councils fleet in line with the Councils commitment to climate change.

Improved air quality across the district.
September 2024
Install solar panels at Witham Leisure Centre. Reduction in carbon footprint.

Longer term savings on energy costs.
March 2025
Take an active part in establishing a Climate and Environment Partnership and work programme across the North Essex Councils. Commitment to work together.

Increased resilience to work on the main climate change challenges affecting North Essex Councils.
March 2025


Priority 3

Support residents and businesses to reduce their carbon footprint and be more resilient to climate related impacts.

Title Outcome End Date
Allocate funding from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund to support at least ten Community Infrastructure initiatives in relation to decarbonisation. Community infrastructure projects deliver a 5% reduction in carbon emissions contributing to a reduction in the districts overall carbon emissions. April 2025
Deliver a campaign to encourage motorists around schools to switch off their engines when stationary outside schools. Motorists are more aware of the impact of vehicle idling.

Reduction in air pollution and carbon emissions.
March 2025


Priority 4

Improve the way that we manage waste and encourage residents and businesses to reduce, reuse and recycle more.

Title Outcome End Date
Collaborate with other Essex Authorities to establish and adopt a new Waste Strategy for Essex. Tackling key challenges and promoting a sustainable and environmentally friendly future for the region. July 2024
Work with other authorities, including Essex County Council, to develop and deliver waste minimisation and recycling initiatives that deliver the on the requirements of Waste Reforms and Essex Waste Strategy. Influence and change attitudes and behaviours to reduce waste, reuse and recycle. March 2026
Develop a waste Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). Support planning policies by providing detailed guidence on the storage and management of recyclables and waste and the implementation of high-quality on-site waste management systems. December 2024
Deliver a behaviour change campaign to increase recycling, reduce waste and encourage re-use. Residents and businesses reduce the waste they produce, reuse items and recycle more. March 2025

Download the Annual Plan for 2024/25