Annual Plan for 2024/25

Measuring Success

Measuring success


KPI Target
Number of affordable homes delivered 250
Participation levels across our sport centres 784,458
Number of homelessness cases prevented Data only
Percentage of major planning applications decided on time 60%
Percentage of minor planning applications decided on time 70%
Percentage of other planning applications decided on time 70%
Percentage of planning applications overturned on appeal 10%
Number of new startup businesses Data only
Number of businesses accessing business support Data only
Percentage of household waste sent for reuse, recycling and composting 50%
Kilograms of residual household waste collected per household 400 kgs
Percentage of recycling contamination 15%
Percentage of accessible non-hazardous fly tips on public land cleared within 24 hours of being reported 100%
Percentage of Disabled Facilities Grants approved within timescale 80%
Percentage of calls resolved at first point of contact in the customer service centre 65%
Percentage of invoices paid within 30 days 98.5%
Number of people transacting with the Council online Data only
Time taken to process housing benefit/council tax benefit new claims 16 days
Time taken to process housing benefit claim changes 3 days
Percentage of stage 1 complaints dealt with in timescale 90%
Collection for Council Tax 97.5%
Collection for Business Rates 98%

Download the Annual Plan for 2024/25